Sunday, August 24, 2008

Interim Ministry: Finding the Stride of A Congregation

This morning is my first Sunday morning preaching at First Presbyterian Church-Henderson. For anyone reading this blog from the Church, good morning! Being all about pilgrimage and the School of the Pilgrim, as I mentioned earlier, I understand my work this way: they, the congregation, have lost their once -upon-a-time pastor and thus pilgrim and pilgrim guide, a.k.a., the pastor. This morning, I am coming up to their side and walking with them for a short distance and time (all things considered, given that this is a congregation that is over 100 years old), and we shall walk a part of their story on the road before them.

Interim ministry--this short, temporary time and relationship--is meant to be a time of letting a congregation breathe, assess, figure out, discern where they--and God--want them to be going on the next leg of their journey as a congregation with their called-pastor.

Prayers for our journey together are appreciated!

And the Gospel text? Peter being called "the Rock, upon which I shall build my church," says Jesus. And where do we find rocks but on the road of life.

Rock and roll!

Buen camino!

Pilgrim peace, Brett

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