Friday, November 9, 2007

The School of the Pilgrimage at LaGrange College

I had a fantastic time with the students of LaGrange College in LaGrange, Georgia yesterday! Thanks to Alvin Lingenfelter, a former student-now colleague in ministry and pilgrimage, who set this pilgrimage experience together.

I began with talking to a large group of students, reading from the book FOLLOW ME! I've begun adding stories of my pilgrimage to Santiago de Compestela in Spain, telling the story of the large incense burner, the botafumeiro, wafting over the crowd of pilgrims seated along the transept, leaving the scent of Jesus on our skin, while protecting the noses of the clergy who had to smell the pilgrims close at hand. I still marvel at the large pendulum swing of the metal beast, gliding through the air with the greatest of ease as it is hoisted by four young men.

This was followed by the true joy of talking with a class of students who had actually read portions of the book SCHOOL OF THE PILGRIM in their Christian education class. It was great to show the power point images that inspired the writing of that book.

I came out of my time with the good people of LaGrange convinced, all the more, of the power of the ideas found in the multivalent practice of pilgrimage!

Bien camino!

Pilgrim peace,


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