Sunday, April 24, 2011



He is risen!

He is risen!

He is risen, indeed!

Buen Camino!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pilgrimage to Easter

The trek began with Palm Sunday at United Church of Chapel Hill, with palm branches swaying;
next step, moving onward to Maundy Thursday and the upper room at United Church of Chapel Hill; then to Good Friday stations of the cross at Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill; and tomorrow, Easter pulls us forward to Eastertide.

Soon, the words will drip off my lips, "He is risen! He is risen! He is risen, indeed!"

Buen Camino!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Pilgrimage in Israel-Egypt, 2011

Just got confirmation from Egypt: all is well in the Sinai part of Egypt.

Pilgrimage in the Wilderness 2011: Nov. 10-22, 2011, $2,500!

Come one and all!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Why We Travel (with thanks to Paul Theroux)

This from the by Paul Theroux:

The earth is often perceived as a foolproof Google map — not very large, easily accessible and knowable by any finger-drumming geek with a computer. In some respects this is true. Distance is no longer a problem. You can nip over to Hong Kong or spend a weekend in Dubai, or Rio. But as some countries open up, others shut down. And some countries have yet to earn their place on the traveler’s map, such as Turkmenistan and Sudan. But I’ve been to both not long ago — one of very few sightseers. And along with oppression and human rights violations, I found hospitality, marvels and a sense of discovery.

In my own “Tao of Travel,” the fact that a place is out of fashion, forgotten or not yet on the map doesn’t make it less interesting, just more itself, and any visit perhaps more of a challenge. But travel maps have always been provisional and penciled in, continually updated. The map of the possible world being redrawn right now — parts of it in tragic and unsettling ways — might soon mean new opportunities for the traveler who dares to try it. Travel, especially of the old laborious kind, has never seemed to me of greater importance, more essential, more enlightening.

What makes pilgrimage even more important is that it takes you to a deeper place, because pilgrimage is like making love to the world.

Click here for more!

Buen camino!