Friday, October 10, 2008

It's the Little Things

I picked up a box of blueberries and pomegranate cereal yesterday at Trader Joe's Market and was instantly transported to Israel. On the street corner, near the Jaffa Gate, Matt (intrepid as ever) ordered himself a glass of squeezed pomegranate juice. The vendor simply cut in half a red pomegranate, put it in a squeezer, and, voila! Juice! Juice that was redder than barnyard red...almost blood red, full of anti-oxidants. Jaqui ordered a smaller glass the next day, and we all had sips from this crazy fruit.

Matt had bought two pomegranates in the market area of Nazareth. We tried the one that was supposed to be "sweeter," and found it seedy. We tried to suck the seeds, but to little satisfaction. It tasted pulpy rather than juicy.

It is the little things around me today that inspire, evoke, and stimulate me about thinking "pilgrimage!"

Stay tuned: we're going on Pilgrimage to Israel again next year, leaving the 10th of April, 2009 for 10 days.

Salaam and Shalom,

Buen camino!


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